Zoom is a web conference service used for video, voice, virtual classrooms, online meetings, screen sharing, chat, and webinars. Zoom can be accessed via Canvas, mobile devices, desktop computers, telephones, and classroom systems. Although individuals or departments may have previously used their own Zoom licenses, the UoR enterprise-wide Education license provides increased features, support, and interoperability.
Audience and Use
Zoom is available to students, staff, and faculty at the University of Redlands, for uses supporting the educational and administrative needs of the university. As a web conference tool, Zoom is a platform for synchronous (real-time) classes, coursework, training, and meetings.
Consolidating Existing Zoom Accounts
Users with a personal Zoom license using their UoR email address will be given the choice to merge their Zoom license into the UoR Enterprise Zoom account or change the email address used for their personal Zoom license. Departments & Users with paid licenses will be prompted to refund the outstanding balance when the account owner consolidates their account.
See: Zoom - Consolidate an Existing Account
Accessing Zoom
User Profile and Settings
Users can manage their account profile and user settings by logging in to the University of Redlands Zoom portal: https://uredlands.zoom.us
Users can:
Users can get help with zoom by putting in a service request here: https://servicedesk.redlands.edu/support/tickets/new or by emailing Zoom_Support@redlands.edu